Current Issue Cover
地图符号的XML Web Services共享方法
摘 要
分析当前两种主要地图符号共享方法的优点与不足。针对地图符号设计方式的差异问题,总结地图符号构图规律,引入PS成像模型,设计面向共享的地图符号数据结构及其XML表达模式;针对地图符号使用环境和符号化接口的差异,提出基于Web Services的地图符号数据分布式共享框架。构建符号共享原型系统,验证了所提技术路线的可行性。
Sharing method of map symbols based on XML Web services
In this paper we aim at symbol sharing. First, we analyze two methods of symbol sharing.Second, we investigate the construction principals of map symbols for the difference issues of symbol design patterns.The PostScript imaging model will be introduced and an XML-based symbol representation mode is being proposed as well. Third, due to the discrepancy of symbol usage environment and symbolic interface, a web services based distributed sharing method for map symbol data and functions is presented. Finally, a prototype system for symbol sharing is being built to validate the feasibility of map symbol service sharing.
