Current Issue Cover

王丽英, 宋伟东(辽宁工程技术大学测绘与地理科学学院,阜新 123000)

摘 要
Least Z-difference strip adjustment of airborne LiDAR data

Wang Liying, Song Weidong(School of Geomatics, LiaoNing Technical University, Fuxin 123000,China)

Systematic errors are the main factors affecting the accuracy of airborne LiDAR system. To attain high-precision airborne LiDAR data, it is of great theoretic and practical value to research the key techniques and methods to eliminate these systematic errors. In our paper we propose a new method for airborne LiDAR strip adjustment based on least Z-difference(LZD) algorithm and then introduce the Gauss-Markov model to improve the adjustment accuracy. Experimental results show that after reasonable parameters configuration of the Gauss-Markov model, our improved strip adjustment method can significantly improve the adjustment accuracy. The accuracy of airborne LiDAR data strip adjustment based on LZD can meet our project accuracy requirements. Compared to the commercial software TerraMatch, the LZD and TerraMatch accuracy are at the same level.
