Current Issue Cover

王锋, 赵志文, 牟盛(北京师范大学信息科学与技术学院, 北京 100875)

摘 要
Fast extraction algorithm of the polyphase matrix decomposition coefficient based integer lifting wavelet

Wang Feng, Zhao Zhiwen, Mou Sheng(College of Information Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)

The polyphase matrix decomposition coefficient of Integer Lifting Wavelet is is not unique.It has diverse selection methods and large computation quantity.First,the selection algorithm of filter iteration times is adopted to obtain the optimal iteration times,according to the input signal-to-noise ratio.Then,the comparison algorithm of the nonlinear iterated function,which combines the optimal iteration time,is treated as criteria to obtain the optimal decomposition coefficient.The iteration time is based on the input data,so the decomposition coefficient will have the optimal processing effect for the data,meeting the selection requirements of the polyphase matrix decomposition coefficients.The comparison algorithm meets the convergence characteristics,which can reduce the number of iterations by comparing whether the impulse response and step response of filters meet the error limit,in order to obtain the optimal decomposition coefficient quickly.Stemming from experiment results,this fast extraction algorithm can effectively meet the requirements of data processing,reduce the data computation quantity and elevate the data processing efficiency.
