Current Issue Cover

许家铭, 解仑, 王志良, 倪善超(北京科技大学计算机与通信工程学院, 北京 100083)

摘 要
针对嵌入式仿人足球机器人提出一种霍夫空间中的多机器人协作目标定位算法。机器人利用实验场地中的标志物采用基于三角几何定位方法进行自定位,把机器人多连杆模型进行简化, 通过坐标系位姿变换把图像坐标系转换到世界坐标系中,实现机器人目标定位;在多机器人之间建立ZigBee无线传感器网络进行通信,把多个机器人定位的坐标点进行霍夫变换, 在霍夫空间中进行最小二乘法线性拟合, 获取最优参数,然后融合改进后的粒子滤波实现对目标小球的跟踪;最后在21自由度的仿人足球机器人上进行仿真和实验。数据结果表明, 这种多机器人协作的定位算法的精度提高了约48%, 在满足实时性的前提下, 对目标的跟踪效果也得到了改善。
Target localization algorithm for cooperative multi-soccer robots based on Hough space

Xu Jiaming, Xie Lun, Wang Zhiliang, Ni Shanchao(School of Computer and Communication Engineering, Beijing University of Science and Technology, Beijing 100083, China)

In this paper,a targeting algorithm for cooperative multi-soccer robots based on Hough space is proposed.The robot uses the landmark in the field for self-localization based on triangular relationships.Object localization for the robot is achieved by position and pose transformation from the image coordinate systems to the world coordinate system on a simplified multi-link robot model.ZigBee wireless sensor network is established between multiple robots for wireless communication.Transforming the coordinate points of the multi-robot target localization into Hough space,the optimal estimation can be obtained by least square fitting.Then,the ball tracking is achieved by fusing the improved particle filter.Finally,a simulation experiment is carried out on 21-degree-freedom humanoid soccer robots.Test data showed that the precision of the targeting algorithm for cooperative multi-soccer robots had risen by 48% and the efficiency of target tracking was improved on the premise of meeting the real-time requirement.
