Current Issue Cover

单建华(安徽工业大学机械工程学院, 马鞍山 243032)

摘 要
Non-local means denoising algorithm with enhanced weight function

Shan Jianhua(Dept. mechanical engineering,Anhui University of Technology,Ma'anshan 243032,China)

The weight function of the non-local means denoising method has a certain degree of irrationality at edges,in which cannot distinguish between the denoising roles of the patches at the two sides of an edge. However,when the center pixel of the patch gets more attention,the different denoising roles can be measured. In the light of the bilateral filtering method,the weight function of the non-local means method is revised. Experimental results on several images show that our new method greatly outperforms the classical non-local means method,and it has certain advantages over the latest improved non-local means method.
