Current Issue Cover

刘永和1, 冯锦明2, 郭维栋3, 田根1, 金毅1(1.河南理工大学资源环境学院, 焦作 454000;2.中国科学院东亚区域气候-环境重点实验室, 全球变化东亚区域研究中心, 中国科学院大气物理研究所, 北京 100029;3.南京大学气候与全球变化研究院/大气科学学院, 南京 210093)

摘 要
Merging planar Delaunay triangulations based on universal operators and the implementation of a divide-conquer algorithm

Liu Yonghe1, Feng Jinming2, Guo Weidong3, Tian Gen1, Jin Yi1(1.Institute of Resources and Environment,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,China;2.Key laboratory of Regional Climate-Environment Research for Temperate East Asia,Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China;3.ICGCR,School of Atmospheric Sciences,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China)

Delaunay triangulation will play an important role in numerical simulation of the geophysical process in the future. The divide-conquer algorithm is one of the well-known traditional fast Delaunay algorithms,but its complicatied merging procedure has limited the applicability of this algorithm. In this study,we propose the concept of universal operators,which are used to simplify the construction of the Delaunay triangulation algorithm. Several operators are extracted from some previous Delaunay algorithms,and three new operators are used in the merging process of the divide-conquer algorithm. The operator of expanding a triangle is developed for constructing each new triangle and for managing the topology information and the linked list which represents the border edges of the triangulation. The operator of filling basins is developed for automatically filling the basins by creating new triangles using recursions. The triangulation-merging operator is developed for linking two sub-triangulations using one new triangle,transforming the two original linked list of border edges into one new linked lists with a new sequential order,and filling the two basins by calling the operator of filling basins. All these operators are based on the same set of data structures and the linked list represented triangulation hull. Using operations on the linked list,all search operations in the triangulation hull are avoided,which make the final algorithm very concise and fast. The operators are successfully used for construct other Delaunay algorithms besides the divide-conquer algorithm. Large point datasets generated stochastically as well as LiDAR point clouds are used for testing the operator-based algorithms,and the result shows that the algorithms can correctly generate triangulations. Meanwhile,it is shown that the divide-conquer algorithm based on the operators are almost as fast as the horizontal expanding algorithm.
