Current Issue Cover

郭景峰, 李贤(燕山大学信息科学与工程学院, 秦皇岛 066004)

摘 要
Structured dictionary learning based on group sparsity

Guo Jingfeng, Li Xian(College of Information Science and engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China)

Sparse representation of signals is an evolving field in many machine learning and image processing tasks. Nowadays, more and more attention is paid on the algorithm for learning dictionaries.Traditionally, the dictionary is an unstructured set of atoms. Considering the sparsity of the group of the sparse representation signal, a mathematical model of the dictionary learning based on the group sparsity is constructed. We propose an efficient algorithm for learning structured dictionary according to the convex analysis and monotone operator theory. The experiments show that the algorithm converges faster, the dictionary trained from the new model adapts better to the data and the data is better represented, which overall improves the image enhancement effect.
