Current Issue Cover

李欢, 樊红, 冯浩(武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室, 武汉 430079)

摘 要
3D GIS最重要的特征之一就是虚拟现实表现,其本质是可视化技术与GIS数据库的整合,以满足各种应用如生态农业、灾害预测等方面的需求。以GIS数据库的环境数据和气象数据为基础,通过对雨雪的效果模拟,将GIS气象数据以实时的可视化形式逼真地表现出来。实验方法采用粒子系统,对单个点元赋予利用Photoshop制作的大面积纹理,这样采用的粒子数减少到普通粒子系统的十分之一,渲染速度为普通粒子系统的十倍以上,以较小的系统资源消耗达到了更加实时逼真的效果,对雪的动态堆积和雨水地面效果采用GPU加速3维渲染,原型系统同时能接受用户对实验环境如粒子纹理、雨雪量的设置。提出根据气象数据进行天气模拟的自适应策略,从而更加适应实际应用需要。
Real-time snow and rain rendering in 3D GIS environment

Li Huan, Fan Hong, Feng Hao(State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China)

Virtual reality is the most important character of 3D GIS, whose essence is the integration of visualization technology and GIS databases to meet the needs of a variety of applications such as agricultureor, disaster prediction. In this study, based on the environmental data and meteorological data of a GIS database, meteorological data can be visualized in near real-time, through the simulation of rain and snow effects. In this paper, we use particle systems to reach better real-time effect with lower memory consumption through endowing every particle with a large area texture. Thus, the number of particles reduces to 10% of common particle system and rendering speed rises over 10 times. GPU coding is used to accelerate 3D rendering of the ground effect of the rain. The prototype system can accept the settings of particle texture and rainfall or snowfall intensity by users. To satisfy practical applications, we propose a self-adaptive strategy based on meteoro-logical data.
