摘 要
Fast near-regular texture synthesis based on the concept of co-evolution
Wang Xianghai1,2, Tao Jingzhe1(1.College of Computer and Information Technology, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029, China;2.Provincial Key Laboratory for Computer Information Processing Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China) Abstract
Texture evolutionary system is a near-regular texture oriented synthesis algorithm. The main feature of the system is the definition of behaviors, which, based on the evolution theory, minimize the error accumulation problem caused by the inflexibility of synthesized blocks.In this paper, we present a new texture synthesis algorithm on the concept of co- evolution. With the new way of individual selection and arrangement, it can be applied to the near-regular textures in any period direction. The approach of removing the settling behavior and pre-computation reduces the compute redundancy. In addition, the new process of evolution can be better parallelized. Results show that the proposed algorithm does not only reinforce the versatility but also improve the efficiency greatly.