摘 要
White blood cells image classification based on improving the connection of FCM and LFP
Pang Chunying, Liu Jikui, Han Lixi(School of Life Science and Technology, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun 130022, China) Abstract
To improve the correct recognition rate of white blood cells images, the effective methods of image segmentation and feature extraction are studied in this article. Because of the existence of grains in some type of white blood cells (granulocyte), the result of image segmentation is seriously affected. Integrating spatial information and kernel function into the fuzzy C-means clustering FCM algorithm, this paper proposes an improved FCM algorithm. Applying this new algorithm to image segmentation and taking the measure of mathematic morphology to process segmented image, the study gets a good segmentation effect and solves the problem of cytoplasm-nucleus of granulocyte segmentation. As for the feature extraction of cells, by fuzzification of the threshold parameter in local binary pattern(LBP), the texture feature extraction method based on local fussy pattern (LFP)is proposed. The employment of the methods above in image segmentation and texture extraction supports vector machine as the classifier and tests the classification of 100 CellAtlas's white blood cells images. The results indicate that the correct recognition rate is up to 93%.
white blood cells classification image segmentation fuzzy C-means clustering(FCM) texture feature extraction local fuzzy pattern (LFP)