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胡良梅, 王竹萌, 高隽, 张旭东, 吴国松(合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院图像信息处理研究室, 合肥 230009)

摘 要
PMD(photonic mixer device)相机是一款基于TOF(time-of-flight)技术的3维成像设备,在获取2维灰度的同时能够获取高精度的距离信息。但它存在水平分辨率低,随机噪声较大的缺点。针对此问题,将PMD距离信息和高分辨率RGB图像相融合,提出一种新的基于可信度的双三次插值和投影纹理的数据融合方法。该方法充分考虑了PMD相机信号幅值和距离信息可信度的关系,加强了精确的距离信息对融合结果的影响,并且给出了直接运用距离信息进行PMD距离图像在世界坐标系的重建方法,降低了运算的复杂度。实验结果表明,本文方法可以得到具有彩色信息和距离信息的高分辨率图像,融合后图像的距离信息更为准确和丰富,有效降低了随机噪声的影响,并且在运行时间上也有较强的优势。
PMD distance information and high resolution RGB image datafusion based on bicubic interpolation with credibility

Hu Liangmei, Wang Zhumeng, Gao Jun, Zhang Xudong, Wu Guosong(Laboratory of Image Information Processing, School of Computer and Information, Hefei University of Technology Hefei 230009, China)

The PMD(photonic mixer device) camera is a three-dimensional imaging device based on TOF(time-of-flight), which is able to obtain high-precision distance information with two-dimensional gray-scale images. However, it has some disadvantages, such as low horizontal resolution, big random noise, etc. In this paper, we fuse the PMD distance information and a high-resolution RGB image, proposing a new kind of data fusion method based on texture projection and bicubic interpolation with credibility. This method fully considers the relation between signal amplitude of the PMD camera and the credibility of the distance information, strengthening the influence of the fusion result by the precise distance information. Furthermore it has provided the reconstruction of PMD images in a world coordinate system through distance information, reducing the computational complexity. The experimental results show that this approach obtains high-resolution images with color information and distance information. The distance information of the fused image is more accurate and rich, and it has reduced the impact of random noise, and the run-time is less.
