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祁冰露, 黄宴委, 陈少斌(福州大学电气工程与自动化学院, 福州 350108)

摘 要
Modification of advanced boundary discriminative noise detection algorithm

Qi Binglu, Huang Yanwei, Chen Shaobin(Electrical Engineering and Automation College of Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China)

In this paper,we are aiming at random-valued impulse noise detection in two boundaries, using advanced boundary discriminative noise detection(ABDND)and a global histogram to obtain the noise boundary. Although we get good detection results, the rate of false detection increases for ABDND when the range of the noise boundary increases. A modification of the ABDND(MABDND)is therefore proposed in this paper. It includes two stages. First, it uses the global histogram to obtain the noise boundary identical to the ABDND. Second, it uses the statistic of a part of the histogram to find false detected pixels in the first stage, and marks them as uncorrupt pixels. The merit of MABDND is to use the confirmation technique in the second stage to rectify many false detectied pixels in the first stage to keep a low rate for both miss detection and false detection. Image Lena and peppers are used for simulations, and the experimental results show the performance of MABDND is better than that of ABDND, especially, when the range of random-valued is wide MABDND is more robust.
