Current Issue Cover

孙志海, 孔万增(杭州电子科技大学计算机学院, 杭州 310018)

摘 要
Density value approximation for subtractive clusteringbased on Nyström method

Sun Zhihai, Kong Wanzeng(College of Computer Science, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China)

Subtractive clustering based methods have been well known for data clustering problems. However, due to the computational demands of these approaches, clustering for large scale datasets, such as spatio-temporal data and images, have been slow to appear. A novel subtractive clustering method based on Nyström approximation is proposed. The proposed method is based on the famous Nyström method. Combined with the density value computation characteristics for each sample of the classical subtractive clustering method, we apply Nyström theory to approximate the density value for each data point which has not been sampled. Finally, we complete the whole clustering procedure using classical subtractive clustering method in modifying the density values in each circulation. The proposed method substantially reduces the computational requirements of subtractive clustering based algorithms, making it feasible to use subtractive clustering to large scale subtractive clustering problems. Density value of samples could be approximated quickly using only a small number of samples. The experiment results on artificial datasets, color images, and UCI machine learning repository show efficiency in comparing with classical subtractive clustering method.
