Current Issue Cover

王娇1, 罗四维2, 钟晶晶3, 邹琪2(1.国家开放大学计算机科学系, 北京 100039;2.北京交通大学计算机与信息技术学院, 北京 100044;3.国家图书馆, 北京 100081)

摘 要
Cue combination model for contour grouping

Wang Jiao1, Luo Siwei2, Zhong Jingjing3, Zou Qi2(1.Computer Science Department, The Open University of China, Beijing 100039, China;2.Institute of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China;3.National Library of China, Beijing 100081, China)

Using contour grouping to get perceptual objects from natural images is a traditional difficult problem in computer vision. To provide a cue combination model, which accords with human visual perception and the statistical of the natural images, is the key problem of the definition of grouping cues and the improvement of grouping quality. According to the conditions when a linear cue combination rule works, a cue combination model for contour grouping, which fits the ecological joint distributions of continuity and similarity in Gestalt cues, is proposed. The cue combination model helps to explain how two independent cue channels could give rise to the particular form of the joint distribution of two correlated cues. It also overcomes the cue combination problem between correlated cues which can't be resolved by discriminative model. The proposed model is a quantitative model of Gestalt cues which accords with the statistical of the natural images and human visual perception better.
