Current Issue Cover

吴明光(南京师范大学虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室, 南京 210023)

摘 要
Hilbert space-filling curve and spatial pattern detection-based spatial partitioning approach to point geospatial data

Wu Mingguang(Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographical Environment, Ministry of Education, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China)

Optimal partitioning of spatial dataset is an import concern for many data management context such as spatial indexing, parallelizing GIS and distributed data access.This paper aims to discuss an adaptive spatial data partitioning method based on Hilbert space-filling curve and spatial pattern detection.A spatial data partitioning approach is proposed for spatial data partitioning of regular, random, and clustering objects, respectively.We show that the proposed method can achieve optimal partitioning point dataset without point dataset boundary information.We also show that the proposed method can adapt to available information about data distributions, data sizes and clustering.
