Current Issue Cover

褚桐, 马惠敏(清华大学电子工程系, 北京 100084)

摘 要
Study of infrared anti-jamming tracking algorithm

Chu Tong, Ma Huimin(Department of Electronical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)

The Infrared target tracking system is a very important tracking system. In this paper, the detection process of the cross-shaped infrared point source tracking system is modeled through space mapping, signal sampling, and signal representation. With these models, this paper describes the simulation of the whole signal generation process. Two new features, the amplitude change rate and adaptive gate, are proposed for signal description. Combined with traditional characteristics of amplitude and time delay, this paper provides a status transfer framework for signal analysis and anti-jamming tracking. Furthermore, a complete 3D simulation platform is built to test the simulation model as well as the tracking algorithm and the result proves the validity of them.
