Current Issue Cover

邱应强1,2(1.华侨大学信息科学与工程学院, 厦门 361021;2.福州大学数字媒体研究院, 福州 360002)

摘 要
目的 针对图像无损信息隐藏中嵌入容量和隐藏图像质量问题,描述了一种基于可逆整数变换算法在图像中实现较大容量数据嵌入的无损隐藏方法。方法 定义的可逆整数变换算法先计算图像块n个像素点的整数平均值,在整数变换过程中将各像素点与平均值之间的差值扩展到4倍。结果 整数变换后图像块所有像素点最低两位有效位相同,产生的冗余信息可用来嵌入2(n-1)比特数据。结论 提出了一种新的可逆整数变换算法并实现较大容量图像无损信息隐藏,实验结果表明该方法具有较大的数据嵌入容量和较好的隐藏图像质量,嵌入数据和原宿主图像均能从隐藏图像中无失真恢复。
Large capacity lossless information hiding in images using integer transform

Qiu Yingqiang1,2(1.College of information science & engineering, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 361021, China;2.Research academy of digital media, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 360002, China)

Objective According to the problem of embedding capacity and visual quality, a lossless information hiding method based on reversible integer transform algorithm with larger embedding capacity for image is proposed. Method By the proposed reversible integer transform algorithm, the average value of an image block with n pixels is calculated first, and the difference between every pixel's value with the mean value is expended 4 times as large as before during the integer transform. Result The two least significant bits of all the transformed pixels' values are equal, producing redundancy information which can be used to embed 2(n-1)bits data. Conclusion Based on the proposed new reversible integer transform algorithm, an information hiding method with larger embedding capacity for image was presented, the experimental results showed that the proposed method has lager embedding capacity and better security, and both the original host image and the embedded data could be restored without any distortion from the marked image.
