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刘君, 陈伟强, 熊邦书(南昌航空大学信息工程学院, 南昌 330063)

摘 要
目的 针对有限元分析中网格最优化问题,提出一种改进的生成四面体网格的自组织算法。方法 该算法首先应用几何方法将三角形表面模型重新构造成规定大小的分类体数据,同时由该表面模型建立平衡八叉树,计算用以控制网格尺寸的3维数组;然后将体数据转换成邻域内不同等值面的形态一致的边界指示数组;结合改进的自组织算法和相关3维数据的插值函数,达到生成四面体网格的目的。结果 实验结果对比表明,该方法能够生成更高比例的优质四面体,增强了对扁平面体的抑制能力,同时很好地保证了边界的一致。结论 在对封闭的3维表面网格进行有限元建模时,本文算法为其提供了一种有效、可靠的途径。
Three-de mesh generation through volume data reconstructed from surface

Liu Jun, Chen Weiqiang, Xiong Bangshu(College of Information Engineering, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063, China)

Objective In this paper a modified self-organized algorithm for the generation of tetrahedral meshes is introduced for the optimization of meshes in the FEA. Method First, a geometric method is applied to reconstruct a classified volume data of specified size from the triangular surface model in this method and a balanced octree based on the given surface model is built to compute a 3D array, which used to control the mesh size. Then, the volume data is converted into a boundary indicator array in which different iso-surfaces are conformed in the neighborhood. Tetrahedral meshes can be generated finally by combining our improved self-organized algorithm with the interpolation function of the related 3D data. Result The experimental result shows that this method can be used to generate high quality tetrahedral meshes at higher proportions and enhance the ability to reduce the number of slivers. It also ensures the conformation of the boundary additionally. Conclusion The algorithm in this paper can provide an effective and robust method when building finite element models for watertight 3D surface meshes.
