Current Issue Cover

陈添丁, 金炜炜, 陈英旦, 吴涤(浙江工商大学信息与电子工程学院, 杭州 310018)

摘 要
目的 中国水墨风格模拟是非真实感图像模拟的重要研究课题,现有的模拟算法对于边缘绘制的连贯性不足、颜色汇聚不平滑,导致效果生硬,色彩表现力不强。为此提出一种真实图像转换的方法来对图像进行水墨风格化处理。方法 首先利用改进的基于流的高斯差分滤波来生成边缘轮廓;接着运用各向异性Kuwahara滤波实现墨色的汇聚以及自然过渡;最后引入Perlin噪声模拟背景宣纸的褶皱感。结果 本文方法能够实现真实图像输入到水墨画风格图像输出的转换,处理速度快。结论 实验结果表明,该方法可以在不破坏原图像结构的基础上获得很好的水墨模拟效果。
Rendering simulation of real-image converting into chinese ink painting

Chen Tianding, Jin Weiwei, Chen Yingdan, Wu Di(College of Information & Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310018, China)

Objective Simulation of Chinese ink is an important research topic in the non-photorealistic rending simulation field. The results of current rendering algorithms are stiff and colorless because the algorithms lack coherent edges drawing and the color convergence is not smooth. This paper presents a method converting real images into Chinese ink paintings. Method Firstly, this method utilizes an improved flow-based difference of Gaussian filter to generate edge contours. Then the anisotropic Kuwahara filter is utilized to converge the ink and make a natural transition. Finally, Perlin noise is introduced to simulate the plicate rice paper. Result The experimental result shows that the algorithm can achieve ink images using real-image as input and its processing speed is fast. Conclusion This paper presents a method converting real images into Chinese ink paintings. The experimental result shows that the algorithms can achieve better effect images without destroying the original mapping structure.
