Current Issue Cover

胡海霞1, 李钢2(1.宜春学院理工学院, 宜春 336000;2.宜春学院数计学院, 宜春 336000)

摘 要
目的 针对直线编组匹配方法数据处理量大、耗时长,且易受阈值选择变化影响,提出一种几何特性二元关系的直线匹配算法。方法 利用线段二元关系计算出参考线段对与待匹配线段对的局部相似度,并用阈值对局部相似度进行初步过滤,然后采用分步笛卡儿积运算、逐步过滤递推得到候选线段集,最后在计算出所有候选线段集的全局相似度的基础上,综合考虑局部相似度和全局相似度得到最终的匹配结果。结果 该算法具有良好的旋转、缩放和平移不变性,对直线的端点和长度变化不敏感,且阈值选择对匹配结果影响小,具有较好的鲁棒性,同时充分考虑直线方向问题,提高了匹配的准确率。结论 通过算法分析和实验结果分析,证明了该算法的合理性、高效性和可靠性。
Line matching based on binary relations of geometric attributes

Hu Haixia1, Li Gang2(1.Physical Science and Technology College of Yichun University, Yichun 336000, China;2.Mathematics and Computational Science of Yichun University, Yichun 336000, China)

Objective A new Method for line matching is presented in this paper. Method It utilizes binary relations of geometric attributes. Four procedures are introduced in sequence as follows. First of all, it's necessary to define a series of binary relations between two segments and calculate the local similarity of two line segment pairs respectively from two images. The second step is to filter preliminarily out the local similarity with threshold values and get the candidate segment sets by stepwise Cartesian product operation. Thirdly, the global similarities of all of candidate segment sets need to be calculated. Finally, the final matched line segment sets can be obtained based on the local and global similarities. Result The Method is insensitive to the changing of line segment's endpoint position and length and the selection of two threshold values. Also it's robust and invariant to rotation, scaling and translation. In the meanwhile, it takes line segment's directions into full consideration, thus improving the matching accuracy. Conclusion Algorithmic analysis and experimental Results have proved that the Method is reasonable, efficient and reliable.
