摘 要
目的 采用草绘交互方式直接构造3维人体模型是当前人体建模研究的重要课题之一.提出一种草绘3维人体建模的模板形变方法.方法 针对输入的草图,首先,采用关节点定位方法获取草图中的人体关节点,根据人体结构学约束识别人体骨架结构,通过解析人体轮廓草图获取人体草图特征;其次,通过骨架模板和外观轮廓模板形变,将草图特征映射到3维人体模型,实现3维人体建模.结果 草图解析方法能有效提取草图特征,通过模板形变方法生成3维人体模型,并在模型上保持草图特征;能适应不同用户的绘制习惯,且生成的3维人体模型可用于人体动画设计.结论 提出一种草绘3维人体建模的模板形变方法,支持用户采用草绘方式进行3维人体模型设计,方法具有良好的用户适应性,对3维动画创作具有重要意义.
Sketch-based method for 3D human modeling using template deformation
Li Yi, Liu Xingchuan, Sun Ting(The 28th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Nanjing 210007, China) Abstract
Objective Human modeling has long been researched extensively and has many potential applications, such as in 3D games, animation, and education. Therefore, simple and efficient methods of generating 3D models of human bodies, especially geometric models, has been a significant research theme in the computer graphics field. Researchers have recently recognized the intuitiveness and importance of sketching as a tool for 3D modeling and design. In this paper, we present a novel sketch-based method for 3D human modeling through template deformation. Method We develop a sketch-based method for human body modeling that enables users to generate various models by sketching human contours. First, we propose a method of localizing human body joints to recognize human joint locations from sketches by users. Second, we use a skeleton recognition method to infer the human skeleton structure on the basis of the constraints on the human body. Then, the physiques and shape parameters of the body are interpreted according to the inputted human sketch. Finally, we apply a template deformation method to construct 3D human bodies. This method can incorporate the human body parameters extracted from the sketch into a plausible 3D human model. Specifically, this model is a parameter-driven 3D human body model that consists of the skeleton and surface models.Result Experimental results demonstrated that the proposed method for 3D human body modeling can automatically infer the intended pose and shape of the body from the sketch. This method can also transfer this information to the parameterized template of the human body. As such, the constructed 3D human model can be used effectively in human animation design.Conclusion In this paper, we propose a sketch-based method for 3D human modeling through template deformation. This method can assist animators in 3D human modelling through sketching and is fast, easy, and low-cost. Moreover, this technique may benefit various users. Thus, this method can be used to generate and easily animate a 3D human model.