Current Issue Cover

赵汉理1, 孟庆如1, 韩丽贞2, 潘志庚3(1.温州大学智能信息系统研究所, 温州 325035;2.浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室, 杭州 310058;3.杭州师范大学数字媒体与人机交互研究中心, 杭州 311121)

摘 要
目的 传统虚拟健身系统存在着沉浸性、可玩性方面的问题,并且缺少对用户的健身指导。提出一种能够改善健身娱乐性、有效性和指导能力的3维虚拟健身系统设计方法。方法 以自然交互界面、个性化深度定制策略和互反馈控制模型理论为基础,加强人与计算机之间的自然语义转换,增加用户对系统的设计控制能力,实时感知用户身体情况并引导用户进行科学健身。另外,依据此框架实现了一套采用健身自行车、Kinect体感摄像头、心率传感器等设备的健身系统。结果 本文提出了一种新的健身系统设计方法,并进行了实现。通过问卷调查,大部分测试者对本文所实现的系统总体评价比较满意并较认可系统新颖性。系统实验结果显示,本文健身系统设计方法对于改善个人健身的娱乐性和有效性有着良好的效果,并具有良好的通用性。结论 通过对测试者的反馈统计表明,系统在交互性和指导能力方面表现出色。
Design and implementation of the personalized virtual fitness system

Zhao Hanli1, Meng Qingru1, Han Lizhen2, Pan Zhigeng3(1.Intelligent Information Systems Institute, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325035, China;2.State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China;3.Digital Media and HCI Research Center, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 311121, China)

Objective Traditional virtual fitness systems employ mouse-or keyboard-based interaction operations and simple message delivery mechanisms. Most traditional fitness systems not only have problems in the user immersion and playability, but also lack scientific guidance of fitness strategies. In this paper, a personalized virtual fitness system design is presented based on natural interaction, highly personalized contents, and user-central feedback regulation model, which can improve the entertainment value of the fitness system and the effectiveness and scientificalness of fitness exercise. Method The fitness system design in this paper contains three fundamental elements, namely, semantic-based natural interface, highly personalized strategy, and user-central feedback regulation. The interface takes advantage of Kinect interaction equipment to strengthen the connection between a user and a computer with gesture semantics. The interface does not require any input of mouse or keyboard. Deeply customized strategy adequately considers the need of users and gives them personalization configurations with an interactive tool. Game rules and scene presentations can be freely changed by users. Feedback regulation uses a loop control among physiological signals, game show, and exercise strategy. The system monitors user condition and subtly visualizes it into the game show to gain a beautiful scene that users want. Therefore, users positively change exercise strategy. On the basis of system design, we further implement a virtual bicycle fitness system, which uses a fitness bicycle, a Kinect, a heart rate sensor, and a personal computer. This system collects wheel turning of bicycle, gesture information, and user heart rate in real time, and these signals are mapped into virtual 3D scene. The system generates a feedback regulation model among system scene, user heart rate, and exercise strategy, and a scientific fitness guidance is provided in real time. Then, users can adjust exercise strategy on their own, and the system scene can be personalized with gesture-based interactions without mouse and keyboard. Result Experimental results show that most volunteers are interested in the system, and the proposed design of virtual fitness system can improve the entertainment value of the fitness system and the effectiveness of fitness exercise for users. Conclusion In this paper, a personalized 3D virtual fitness system design is presented based on natural interface, highly personalized strategy, and feedback regulation. Implementation of the system and results show that this system design has good effect on the entertainment value of fitness system and improves the effectiveness and scientificalness of fitness exercise.
