葛小青1, 杨森1,2, 李山山1, 陈勃1, 张省3, 刘雪莹1,2(1.中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所, 北京 100094;2.中国科学院大学, 北京 100049;3.山东省国土测绘院, 济南 250102) 摘 要
目的 Landsat-8传感器采用线阵推扫式成像,通过分景处理获得标准景产品。面对大范围遥感数据需求,长条带数据具有更高的应用价值。长条带数据的一般获取方法是通过拼接标准景正射产品的方式,该方法处理效率不高,并且当条带中某景由于云覆盖量较多无法生产正射产品时,将无法通过多景拼接的方式生成相应的长条带正射产品。针对此方法存在的问题,本文提出一种Landsat-8长条带影像的正射校正方法。方法 以长条带影像为整体,通过控制点匹配、长条带几何精校正和正射校正3个部分,直接生成长条带级别的正射校正产品。在长条带几何精校正过程中,提出了Landsat-8的基于轨道约束的长条带平差模型及控制点优化选取方法。结果 在15景的条带长度范围内,本文方法生成的长条带正射产品的几何精度在12 m以内,满足Landsat-8正射产品的精度要求,且处理效率相较于标准景拼接方式提升1倍左右;对于云覆盖较多的景,利用连续3景进行长条带正射校正,可以得到与标准景正射产品几何精度相当的长条带正射产品。结论 本文提出的长条带处理方法,在一定长度范围内,能够得到满足Landsat-8正射产品的精度要求的长条带正射产品,处理效率得到较大提高,且能够有效克服传统方法中云覆盖情形对长条带产品获取的限制。
Ortho-rectification method for Landsat-8 long strip imagery
Ge Xiaoqing1, Yang Sen1,2, Li Shanshan1, Chen Bo1, Zhang Sheng3, Liu Xueying1,2(1.Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094, China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;3.ShandongProvincal Institute of Land Surveying and Maping, Jinan 250102, China) Abstract
Objective The Landsat-8 satellite applies the linear array push-broom method to obtain imagery and then processes the captured image by scene to generate standard scene production.The demand for wide-area remote sensing data is increasing,and long strip satellite data have high application value.Long strip satellite data are typically acquired by mosaicking several standard scenes of orthographic production.However,this classical method results in low efficiency and may fail to acquire long strip satellite orthographic production in the presence of too much clouds.A novel orthographic method for Landsat-8 long strip satellite imagery is proposed in this study to overcome the shortcomings of the conventional method.Method The proposed method is conducted in the unit of the entire long strip satellite imagery,and long strip orthographic production is generated directly without image mosaicking.The entire procedure can be divided into three steps:ground control point correlation,long strip geometric precise correction,and ortho-rectification.First,ground control points are correlated with the long strip systematic imagery using the normalized cross-correlation method.The GLS2005 control point database is stored by scene;hence,control points in every scene are reprojected based on the long strip UTM zone code and merged to generate a long strip control point database.Second,the long strip adjustment equation is formulated based on strip constraint by using the ground control point correlation result and the satellite parameters,such as ephemeris and attitude parameters.A precise line-of-sight model is built after least squares adjustment.An appropriate ground control point optimization method is introduced to accelerate the solution for the adjustment equation.Finally,the long strip orthographic production is resampled by using the precise line-of-sight model and referring to a digital elevation model.Result Experiments are designed and conducted to verify the performance of the proposed long strip method.When the long strip imagery contains less than 15 scenes,the long strip satellite products obtained using the proposed method achieve geometric accuracy within 12 m.The processing efficiency of the proposed method is twice that of the conventional method mainly as a result of saving mosaicking time and processing time for overlapping regions.For scenes covered by clouds,the proposed method can still achieve long strip orthographic production with qualified geometric accuracy by using surrounding scenes.Conclusion The proposed method can achieve qualified geometric accuracy and high processing efficiency within a certain scope of scenes.Moreover,the proposed method exhibits efficient performance under conditions with cloud covering.