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王程1, 陈峰1, 吴金建2, 赵勇3, 雷浩4, 刘纪元5, 汶德胜4(1.福建省智慧城市感知与计算重点实验室, 厦门大学, 厦门 361005;2.西安电子科技大学人工智能学院, 西安 710071;3.国防科技大学航天科学与工程学院, 长沙 410073;4.中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所, 西安 710119;5.中国科学院声学研究所, 北京 100190)

摘 要
Progress in mechanism and data processing of visual sensing

Wang Cheng1, Chen Feng1, Wu Jinjian2, Zhao Yong3, Lei Hao4, Liu Jiyuan5, Wen Desheng4(1.Fujian Key Laboratory of Sensing and Computing for Smart Cities, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China;2.School of Artificial Intelligence, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China;3.College of Aerospace Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China;4.Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710119, China;5.Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)

Traditional visual sensing is based on RGB optical and video imaging data and has achieved great success with the development of computer vision. However, traditional RGB optical imaging has limitations in spectral characterization, sampling effectiveness, measurement accuracy, and operating conditions. The new mechanism of visual sensing and new data processing technology have been developed rapidly recently, bringing considerable opportunities for improving sensing and cognitive capability. The developments are also endowed with important theoretical merits and offer a great chance for major application requirements. This report describes the development status and trends on visual sensing, including laser scanning, sonar, new dynamic imaging system, computational imaging, pose sensing, and other related fields. Researches on laser scanning are increasingly being conducted. In terms of algorithm developments for point cloud data processing, many domestic organizations and teams have reached international synchronization or leading level. Moreover, the application of point cloud data is more extensively shown by Chinese teams. However, at present, several foreign countries still show considerable advantages in hardware equipment, data acquisition, and pre-processing. In terms of event-based (i.e., dynamic vision sensor, DVS) imaging, domestic teams have focused on target classification, target recognition and tracking, stereo matching, and super resolution, achieving progress and breakthroughs. Hardware design and production technology of DVS are concentrated in foreign research institutes, and almost all these institutes have a research history of about 10 years. Few domestic institutions can independently produce DVS. Generally, although domestic DVS research started relatively late, the development in recent years has been very rapid. Moving target detection and underwater acoustic imaging for small static targets have always been the focus in the field of underwater information technology. Underwater acoustic imaging has the characteristics of military and civil applications. Domestically, high-tech research is mainly supported by civil sectors. For example, synthetic aperture sonar was developed under sustained national support. Substantial breakthroughs, such as in common mechanism, key technologies, and demonstration applications, are difficult to achieve in a short time. Therefore, sustained and stable support guarantees technological breakthroughs and industrialization. Learning-based visual positioning and 3D information processing have made remarkable progress, but many problems remain. In non-cooperative target pose imaging perception, many countries and organizations with advanced technology for space have carried out numerous investigations, and results from some of these endeavors have been successfully applied to space operations in practice. By contrast, visual measurement of non-cooperative targets started late in China. Related programs are under way, such as for rendezvous and docking of space non-cooperative targets and on-orbit service of space robots. However, most of the related investigations remain in the stage of theoretical research and ground experiment verification, and no mature engineering application is available. According to the literature survey, at present, in the field of visual sensing, domestic institutions and teams have made substantial progress in data processing and application. However, lags are observable, especially in the development of related hardware. Laser scanning imaging has a large amount of data and abundant information but lacks semantic information. Research has emerged in the frontiers of unmanned driving, virtual reality, and augmented reality. Wide applications are expected in the future, such as in the minimal description of massive 3D point cloud data and cross-dimensional structure description. DVS has a research history of over 10 years and has progressed in SLAM, tracking, reconfiguration, and other fields. The most evident advantages of DVS are in capturing high-speed moving objects and in high-efficiency and low-cost processing. Moreover, the real-time background filtering function of DVS has great prospects in unmanned driving and trajectory analysis, which will attract much attention for wide applications. The development of small-target detection technology in deep-sea area can be used in deep-sea resource development, protection of marine rights, search and rescue, and military applications. However, inadequacy in the sonar equipment for deep-sea small-target detection seriously restricts applications. Two new system imaging sonars, namely, high-speed imaging sonar based on frequency division multiple-input multiple-output and multi-static imaging sonar, are expected to improve the detection rate and recognition rate for underwater small targets. Robustness is critical for visual positioning and 3D information processing. Intelligent methods can solve the problems of visual positioning and 3D information processing. At present, the pose perception algorithm still shows low efficiency, is imperfect, and requires further investigation. Space operations have prerequisites, including relative pose of space non-cooperative target, reconstruction of 3D structure of target, and recognition of feature parts of target. The model information of the target itself can be totally or partly known. Thus, making full use of the priori information of the target model can greatly help solve the target position. Pose tracking based on 3D model to obtain the initial pose of a target is expected to be a future hotspot. In addition, in the tide of artificial intelligence, how to combine it with pose perception is worthy of exploration. Object position and attitude perception based on vision system are crucial for promoting the development of future space operation, including space close-range operation scenarios (e.g., target perception, docking, and capture), small autonomous aircraft, ground intelligent vehicles, and mobile robots. The prospects are given in this paper, which may provide a reference for researchers of related fields.
