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祝汉城1,2, 周勇1,2, 李雷达3, 赵佳琦1,2, 杜文亮1,2(1.中国矿业大学计算机科学与技术学院, 徐州 221116;2.矿山数字化教育部工程研究中心, 徐州 221116;3.西安电子科技大学人工智能学院, 西安 710071)

摘 要
The review of personalized image aesthetics assessment

Zhu Hancheng1,2, Zhou Yong1,2, Li Leida3, Zhao Jiaqi1,2, Du Wenliang1,2(1.School of Computer Science and Technology, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China;2.Engineering Research Center of Mine Digitization of Ministry of Education, Xuzhou 221116, China;3.School of Artificial Intelligence, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China)

The multimedia imaging technology can meet people's visual demands to a certain extent. People can easily obtain high-quality images through mobile devices, so people begin to pay more attention to their aesthetic experience of images, which makes the image aesthetics assessment (IAA) method become a hotspot issue and frontier technology in the current image processing and computer vision fields. Intelligent IAA can be developed to imitate people's aesthetic perception of images and predict the results of aesthetic evaluation automatically. Aesthetic-preference images can be screened out. Consequently, IAA is critical to be applied in photography, beauty, photo album management, interface design, and marketing. Generally, IAA can be classified into two categories, including generic image aesthetics assessment (GIAA) and personalized image aesthetics assessment (PIAA). Early researches believe that people have a consensus on the aesthetic experience of images, and leverage the general photography rules to describe most people's visual aesthetics on images, which are usually affected by many factors, such as light intensity, color richness, and composition. Most of the current GIAA model can predict most people's aesthetic evaluation results of images. GIAA models can be divided into three aesthetic-related tasks like classification, score regression and distribution prediction. The aesthetic classification task is focused on dividing the image into two classes of "high" and "low" according to the aesthetic experience of most people. The research goal of the aesthetic score regression task can predict the aesthetic score of an image. This task leverages the average aesthetic ratings of most people as the image aesthetic score for regression modeling. However, the two tasks shown above need to convert different people's aesthetic ratings of images into a unified result ("high" or "low" and score). Label uncertainty is derived from people's aesthetic experience of images, which makes it difficult for the consensus result. Therefore, the predictable aesthetic distribution is more concerned to reflect people's subjectivity. The goal of the aesthetic distribution prediction task can predict the aesthetic distribution results of multiple people's ratings of an image. This task predicts the aesthetic distribution straightforward and converts the aesthetic distribution result into aesthetic scores and aesthetic classes. Consequently, recent GIAA models researches are mainly focused on the task of aesthetic distribution prediction. Although the aesthetic distribution prediction task of the GIAA model can reflect people's subjectivity of image aesthetics to a certain extent, the task can realize people's visual aesthetic preferences from the image level only. Besides, it is more realistic to develop the PIAA model for specification beneficial from the growth of customized services. Therefore, the PIAA model has received great attention recently, which can predict the accurate aesthetic results for customized users. We introduce the existing PIAA models published from 2014 to 2020 due to the lack of reviews on PIAA models. Generally, the PIAA model faces two challenges for specific users as mentioned below:First, PIAA is a typical small sample learning task. This is because the PIAA model is a real-time system for specific users, which cannot force users to annotate a large number of images aesthetically. In addition, a small number of image samples can just be obtained for model training. Second, the user's subjective characteristics become important factors to affect their aesthetic perception of images since the user's aesthetic experience of images is highly subjective. Meanwhile, users' aesthetic experience is influenced by many subjective factors like emotion and personality traits. Therefore, the existing framework of the PIAA model is mainly divided into two stages based on machine learning or deep learning. In the first stage, the GIAA dataset rated by a large number of users is used to obtain the prior knowledge of the PIAA model through supervision training for the smalls sized sample learning issue of the PIAA task. In the second stage, a user's PIAA dataset is used for fine-tuning on the prior knowledge model for the high subjectivity of users' image aesthetic experience, and the subjective knowledge of users is integrated to obtain the PIAA model that conforms to the user's aesthetic perception. The existing PIAA models can be divided into three categories like collaborative filtering based PIAA models, user interaction based PIAA models, and aesthetic difference based PIAA models. To demonstrate the differences between these three PIAA models, we first introduce each of the three PIAA models separately. Then, we summarize the design clues, pros and cons of existing PIAA models. Meanwhile, we introduce the commonly used datasets and evaluation criteria of PIAA models, as well as the application prospect of PIAA models in precision marketing, personalized recommendation systems, personalized visual enhancement, and personalized art design. Finally, the future direction of the PIAA model is predicted in subjective characteristic analysis and knowledge-driven modeling.
