Current Issue Cover

王宏武1, 吕晋育1, 董士海1(北京大学计算机系,北京 100871)

摘 要
The Principles and Generating Techniquesof Autostereograms


utostereogram results from the combination of computer technology and stereo vision.The basic principle of autostereogram is so-called" wallpaper effect". The stereoscopic view is a virtual stereo image formed by a left eye view and a right eye view. While watching an autostereogram,people can get more than one stereo views which can be classified as crosseyed-views and noncrosseyed-views Autosterograms can be classified into two categ ories:random dot autostereograms and pattern based autostereograms. By improving the Tyler's algorithm and Thimbleby's model, an autostereogram generating system-WinStereo is implemented,in which we solved the problem of"planarization". We also proposed an algorithm to generate a new kind of orthogonal autostereogram.
