Current Issue Cover

杨新1, 邹捷1, 施鹏飞1(上海交通大学图象处理和模式识别研究所,上海 200030)

摘 要
Digital Video Coding Standards


With the growing availability of digital transmission links, progress in signal processing, VL S I technology and image compression research, digital video coding technology has developed from a purely academic research in to a highly commercial business. To follow the accelerated speed of technology development, the standardization process has become sign if i cantly efficient and fast. The actual work of the standardization bodies has changed considerably and has evolved from discussion circles of national delegations in to in ternational collaborative R&D activities. It has to be understood that video coding standards have to rely on comp rom ises betw een w hat is theoretically possible and what is technologically feasible. In contrast to the early standards, recent standards are in tended to be generic and have wide applications.
