Current Issue Cover

华先胜1, 石青云1,2(1.北京大学数学科学学院信息科学系,北京 100871;2.北京大学信息科学中心视学与听觉处理国家重点实验室,北京 100871)

摘 要
Research on Fragile Water marking Problems


In this paper, we discuss several problems on fragile watermarking, which is used to ensure the credibility of multimedia. Firstly, we describe some main properties that an efficient fragile watermarking scheme should have. And then we discuss the differences between robust watermarking and fragile watermarking algorithms, which are important for us to develop efficient fragile watermarking scheme. Thirdly, a simple application framework for fragile watermarking, which is called trustworthy digital camera, is proposed. This fragile watermarking framework can be used for ensure facticity for images taken by digital camera. In the end, we present two approaches, pre processing and using integer transform, to solve round off error and overflow error problems for frequency domain fragile watermarking techniques. Experimental results show that these two approaches are efficient for improving other fragile watermarking algorithms.
