Current Issue Cover

丁力1, 汪小林1, 罗英伟1, 张颖1, 曲磊1, 许卓群1(北京大学计算机系,北京 100871)

摘 要
Study on Combination of GIS and Database


Managing geospatial information is an important part of geographical information system(GIS). Database system can help GIS designers separate data management task from the huge systems. However, different database systems, such as relational database(RDB), object relational database(ORDB) and object oriented database(OODB), have their native advantages and pitfalls. This paper firstly discussed why database system but not file system is chosen to manage geospatial information, and now there are three major kinds of database systems can be used to manage geospatial data. Then, three typical models--pure relational model, spatial extension model and wrapped model, are introduced, analyzed and compared. The key implementation issues and technologies of wrapped model, which is the most competitive solution, are discussed in details. As a result, ORDB is thought as a more practical way due to current databased technologies, and OODB still remains in prototype step.
