Current Issue Cover

许威威1, 潘志庚1, 张明敏1(浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室虚拟现实和多媒体研究院,杭州 310027)

摘 要
Decision Model in Intelligent Virtual Environment


This paper discusses the structure of decision model in intelligent virtual environment. Intelligent virtual environment is dynamic environment, that is to say it keepes on changing, decision in intelligent virtual environment also should be dynamic, it must be rapid enough to react to the change of environment. To meet the real time and dynamic requirement of decision in intelligent virtual environment, this paper improve the traditional planning method. The time critical A * algorithm is used to implement real time planning, current action is generated only in a predetermined decision time slice, which is different to traditional planing method. action stack is also employed to store the selected action, which is convenient to evaluate the action in time according to the situation of environment, so, we can discard those unreachable targets in time. Based on that, this paper developes a decision agent to instruct the virtual human in intelligent virtual environment. In addition, a small intelligent virtual environment is developed to test the decision model. At last, Influence of length of decision time slice is test, it shows that the suitable length of decision time slice is about 0 3 seconds.
