Current Issue Cover

唐明1, 孙守迁1, 潘云鹤1(浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室,浙江大学计算机系,杭州 310027)

摘 要
在产品概念设计中,布局设计和人机工程设计是两个相互影响和制约的设计过程,。为了将这种布局设计和人机工程设计协同起来,将功能面作为概念设计发解的依据,并在此基础上提出了基于功能面的协同概念设计过程和方法,以及布局设施 人机工程协同设计模型和形式化描述方法,最后结合摩托车的概念设计实例给出了一个计算机支持的布局和人机工程协同设计系统的实现方案。
Research on Function-Face-Based Product Layout and Ergonomics Cooperative Design


With the development of CSCW techniques, applying cooperative design methods into conceptual design is a hot and interesting research project in product design area now. Layout design and ergonomics design are two sub processes of conceptual design which affect and restrict each other. Function face is a significant concept in the area of industrial design. It is classified as physical function face and physiological and psychological function face. Function face can be used to characterize the relationships of the product components and the human. In order to cooperate layout design and ergonomics design, the function face is adopted as the basis to distribute the conceptual design tasks, and the function face based cooperative design process and method are put forward. According to the characters of layout design and ergonomics design, a description method of computer supported cooperative design model is introduced. This design model can suit the changes in cooperative design. Finally, an applicable scheme of the computer supported layout ergonomics cooperative design system in motorcycle design is described. This system is based on Client/Server mode and consists of a layout design client, an ergonomics client and a cooperation server.
