Current Issue Cover

张晓峰1, 张晔1(哈尔滨工业大学电子与通信工程系,哈尔滨 150001)

摘 要
H.26L标准是ITU-T视频编码专家组(VCEG)和ISO/IE MPEG委员会正在制定的用于视频通信的新一代视频编码标准,其设计目的是对多种图象信源实现低比特率、实时和低延迟的视频编码.H.26L采用简单有效的块处理的实现途径,获得的编码效率大大优于现有标准.在继承现有视频标准分块变换、运动估计/补偿、量化和熵编码等成熟技术的基础上,H.26L采用了多种新技术,保证了编码的有效性.在介绍H.26L标准的基础上,对运动补偿中不同的块大小的组合方式、不同的亚像元补偿精度以及两种熵编码方法进行了实验分析.实验结果表明,综合考虑压缩比、PSNR和编、解码器复杂度,对于通常视频内容,选择8×8及更大的分块模式、1/4像素运动补偿精度和通用变长编码,能够获得最经济的压缩效果.
New Generation Video Coding Standard: H. 26L and its Performance Analysis


H.26L is a new generation video coding standard being established by ITU-T VCEG and ISO/IEC MPEG for video communication, which is aimed at very low bitrates, real time, low end-to-end delay coding for a variety of source materials. By adopting simple and straightforward approach using well-known building blocks, H.26L achieves coding efficiency higher than the other existing video coding standards greatly. On the basis of mature techniques such as transform on block, motion estimation/compensation, quantization and entropy coding, H.26L employs some new techniques, which ensure the coding efficiency. After introducing the H.26L coding standard, experiments are conducted on different block size and shape combinations, different motion estimation accuracy as well as two entropy coding methods. The experimental results proved that taking compression ratio, PSNR and complexities of encoder and decoder into account, the selection of block partition modes that are 8×8 and larger, 1/4-pixel resolution motion estimation and universal variable length coding can achieve the most economical compression results for the common video contents.
