朱长青1,2, 王玉海3, 李清泉1, 柳林涛1(1.中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所,武汉 430077;2.武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室,武汉 430070;3.解放军信息工程大学理学院,郑州 450052) 摘 要
A Model to Compress Contour Data Based on Wavelet Analysis
() Abstract
It is very important to compress vector relief data for the study and application of the terrain environment simulation, cartographic generalization, GIS and so on. Using the theory of wavelet analysis and the characteristics of the vector relief data, in this paper, a model to compress contour data is developed. Firstly, a basic ideal is proposed to compress contour data based on wavelet transformation. Then, the boundary of wavelet transformation is processed by a developed method. And the feature points of contour data are selected according on given rules so that the compressed data can retain the characteristic of original data well. Thus, a model to compress contour data is obtained based on wavelet transformation. Finally, actual contour data are experimented using the developed compression model. The theory analysis and experiments show that the developed model not only obtains the high compression ratio for contour data but also retain the trend and the characteristics of original contour data. The developed method can be used with the widely areas such as digital terrain models, GIS, remote sensing et al.