摘 要
Improved Two-stages Camera Calibration From a Plane
() Abstract
Zhengyou Zhang has proposed a Two-Stages camera calibration method by viewing a plane recently. It can calibrate camera easilywith high accuracy and is considered as a presentation of Two-Stages method. But only radial distortion is considered in his camera model, and when the tangential distortion is distinct in some lenses, such as in fish-eye lenses, the camera model will be unsuitable. Therefor his camera model is improved in this paper and an improvedTwo-stages method is proposed. Through the proposed method the initial parameters are solved by using the points near the image plane center. As the distortion is very litter nearthe image plane center, the solved initial parameters can be very close to exact ones, then, a subspace trust regionmethod based on the interior-reflective Newton method is applied to solve all the camera parameters accurately. Both computer simulation and real data have been used to test the proposed technique and very good results have been obtained. Compared with Zhang’s method, the proposed method is more accurate and it works better robustness.
camera calibration two-stages method tangential distortion points near the image plane center subspace trust region method