Current Issue Cover

潘志庚1, 白宝钢1,2(1.浙江大学CAD & CG国家重点实验室,杭州 310027;2.温州大学计算机科学与工程学院,温州 325000)

摘 要
本文是中国图形工程的年度文献综述系列之十四。对2008年国内主要中文信息技术类期刊发表的图形工程的主要论文,根据内容进行了分类和整理,这些学术研究和工程技术应用研究论文共计879篇,是从国内发表图形工程中文论文比较集中的11种中文学术期刊共计8 131篇(其中电子技术及信息科学论文7 332篇)论文中筛选出来的。统计、分析和研究表明,国内14年来从事图形工程及相关领域的研究开发人员总体趋势仍然保持稳定,研究水平不断提高,国内外的学术交流也较活跃而且广泛。同时,计算机图形学本身也在发展,并与其他学科结合,派生出一些新的研究方向甚至交叉学科。
Graphics Engineering in China:2008


This paper is the fourteenth of the literature bibliography on computer graphics engineering in China in 2008. We collected and classified most of the important papers in computer graphics field published in Chinese, selected references from 11important Chinese journals published in 2008 and classified these references into different categories according to their contents. Based on the overview and analysis work, we found that the number of researchers and developers engaged in computer graphics-related field has been greatly increasing in the past 14 years, and many conferences are held each year, many high-level achievements are made in China. In addition, computer graphics develops itself, deriving out some new research topics or directions including cross disciplines.
