Current Issue Cover

傅丹1,2, 周剑2, 邱志强2(1.中国人民解放军第二炮兵驻航天科技集团公司第一研究院型号办公室,北京 100076;2.国防科学技术大学航天与材料工程学院, 长沙 410073)

摘 要
A Method of Camera Calibration Using Geometrical Invariability of Line


Many algorithms in computer vision usually use a pin-hole camera model. An image is caused by both projective transform and the lens distortion as fish-eye lens or wide-angle lens have large distortion. Unlike the traditional methods which need much information of the scene,a novel approach using geometrical invariability of line to perform camera self-calibration from a single image is presented. In order to correct lens distortion and calculate vanishing point from the image, projective invariants are used: collinear points should be in the same line, Parallel line should be intersect at one point; metric invariant is used: the included angle of orthogonal straight lines should be rectangular. So camera lens distortion and internal parameters are calibrated. The result of emulation and real images are accurate and reliable with this method.
