Current Issue Cover

王槐欣, 万华根, 肖书星, 金小刚, 彭群生(浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室,杭州 310027)

摘 要
Real-time Simulation of Large-scale Music Fountain

WANG Huaixin, WAN Huagen, XIAO Shuxing, JIN Xiaogang, PENG Qunsheng(State Key Laboratory of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027)

Its a growing concern to many researchers for real-time simulation of music fountains since they are fascinating decorations in cities and scenic spots which combines modern technology, music, and waterscape, etc. In this paper, a new approach for real-time simulation of large scale music fountain is proposed which incorporates fluid dynamic, particle system, music synchronization, and general purpose GPU computation. The fountain particles are dynamically synchronized with music data, and simple dynamic equations of particles are used to simulate realistic fountain behavior. The real-time update of particle attributes such as position, speed and the real-time rendering of particles are achieved through the availability of high parallel processing power of modern GPU. A new particle rendering method based on adaptive sampling in image space is also proposed for particle realism. The proposed algorithm has been verified and can be easily integrated into interactive applications for real-time fountain simulation.
