Current Issue Cover

汪 莉, 万华根, 彭群生(浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室 杭州 310058)

摘 要
Visualization of Protein Interaction Fields Based on Molecular Mechanics

WANG Li, WAN Huagen, PENG Qunsheng(State Key Laboratory of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058)

Molecular interaction field (MIF) is an important tool used in the research of molecular structure and function and has become a conventional method in drug design and molecular docking. Yet it is difficult to visualize and analyze molecular interactions with existing graphical representations of proteins such as VDW, molecular surface and CPK due to three dimensional nature of protein interaction distribution. A novel method for volumetrically visualizing and analyzing the MIF of a protein of known structure is proposed. Beginning from a proteins molecular structure, we compute an MIF after performing a molecular dynamics simulation on the protein and then visualize the MIF volume. A two-pass method for designing transfer functions is proposed specifically for producing informative images that reveal the MIF volume features. The volume rendering results are used to analyze HIV-1 protease with biologically meaningful result being derived.
